Thursday, January 24, 2008

What Does the Future Hold?

Tonight there is a plump, golden moon hanging low in the sky. I just love when the moon looks majestic like this, reminding me that it is much larger than it seems.

I have been pondering lately the calling the Lord has put on my life. I surrendered to His call to serve Him overseas during the fall of 2003, but what does that look like? Since that time He has placed in me a heart for His work among the nations and for reaching unreached peoples for His Name. He has given me a supernatural love, in particular, for Hispanic people. As of late, however, the Lord has given me a love for a couple of other things; namely, the local church and the peoples of Russia. How do all these tie in together? Has God called me to serve Him overseas full-time or will I serve Him in some other sense? I know that the Lord will reveal all this in His time, but I am just wondering how it is all going to play out. All I know now is that I am supposed to be here studying at Southern. I look forward to whatever He has in store.

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