Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lot Excited

Guess who is going home this weekend?! :) This has been something I have been praying about for the last week or so, and I am so thankful that the Lord has worked everything out. I wanted to ty to go home before school starts on the 28th, and I also wanted to get some of the children's books at my house for tutoring, so I simply asked God to work things out if it was His will for me to head home. So He did. :) I didn't request off from work, but I wasn't scheduled to work this weekend at Bath & Body Works. This will be the first weekend I have had off since Thanksgiving. Isn't it just amazing how God works? I am so excited to see my family and church family.

The Lord has also worked out things regarding my car. A couple of weeks the power steering started making the most awful noise. My dad told me the power steering pump sounded like it was going bad. Great, I thought. I reminded God I didn't have any money (like He didn't already know), bought the pump with my credit card, and started looking for a cheap mechanic to install it. During that time, the noise faded away and now my car is running fine-like nothing ever happening. I can't explain it, my dad can't explain it...but I am so thankful that I serve a God, who not only created the universe out of nothing, but cares about the details of my life-like my transportation. With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).

Most of all, I am very excited and exceedingly thankful for all that God has been teaching me about Himself and myself. He has been so gracious to me in opening up my understanding to His deep and beautiful truths. After much prayer and reading and exhortation from fellow brothers and sisters, I understand the Trinity better than ever. Don't get me wrong this doctrine is still a great mystery that will never be fully understood, but I believe I comprehend it better now, and for that I am truly grateful. Another thing that God is teaching me is that He is and I am not through Louie Giglio's book I Am Not But I Know I AM. Through that book I have been reminded of God's vast greatness and the importance of pointed to Christ and away from myself in all I do. It's not about me, but Christ. It's not because of me, but because of Christ. I am who I am because of Christ. "I am not but I know I AM." Furthermore, God has opened my eyes to I react to things/people, who I am because of Him, and areas that need to be submitted to Him. Sometimes I think I know myself, but then God lets me know otherwise (and often what He shows me is pretty scary).
"What we may need reminding of in our day is not that the knowledge of God is difficult to comprehend and to embrace—that’s more or less obvious—but that the knowledge of ourselves is just as difficult to comprehend and to embrace. Indeed, it may be more difficult, first, because a true knowledge of ourselves assumes a true knowledge of God, and, second, because we tend to think we do know ourselves, when, in fact, the depths or our condition are beyond our comprehension without the help of God." -John Piper
On the agenda today: helping Sarah paint the children's room at her church and Coldstone ice cream in celebration of Melissa's birthday. YUM. :)

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