Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hope in God

Tonight is very stormy. We are under a tornado watch. At work, they had us cram into the inner hallway for about 30 minutes when we were under a tornado warning. I have heard that there has been a lot of damage. One guy from the seminary was on the news because a tree fell on his car (while driving I believe). He was giving glory to God for his safety. :)
Despite all this I am very thankful for this much needed rain.

Last Tuesday I went to a bi-weekly prayer meeting at school. We worshiped through singing to begin with then spent the rest of the time praying for believers serving around the world. It was wonderful. It was very powerful for me personally in focusing my attention to where it needed it to be. Afterwards, my soul was very troubled. I walked around campus for a while talking to God and then finally broke before Him as I was reminded of my utter wretchedness and the people He has placed in my life that are spiritually dead. Oh, how I want them to be born again! I get so frustrated with myself. I see the need and want so much to speak to them of Jesus but the words do not come and neither does the courage. Please pray that I may be bold for Christ!
I have been very frustrated with myself lately. I am having trouble focusing on God and slaying wayward thoughts. I want so much to dwell on Christ and His heart for the nations, but I find my mind occupied with other less worthy things.

The music of David Crowder Band (Kristi, you are going to be so pleased with this) has been ministering to me lately. The words of their songs have expressed the inner groanings of my soul like nothing else could.

This quote from Louie Giglio has played over and over again in my head today: "I have great hope in God tonight." I am not sure why this is stuck in my head. I do feel a great hope and trust in God right now-maybe more than any other time in my life. Or I am having Louie withdrawals from Passion '07. ;) My sister is going to Passion this weekend in Chicago by the way. Please pray that the Lord will protect her and draw her intimately closer to Him.

One last thing: God is doing a great work at my
home church. Check out our Director of Creative Arts blog to learn more and to see the Imagine Campaign video (under the Oct. 11th post). Please pray, if you will, these things for Meadow Heights:
1. that the leaders and members would be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding (Col. 1:9) and would humbly seek His face in every decision
2. Christ would be magnified and lives saved
3. protection and strength to stand against the schemes/attacks of the devil as they advance the Kingdom.
Maybe someday God will allow me to rejoin the work at MH.

Hope thou in God oh my soul for He is supreme.


Alex S. Leung said...

Hey Rachel! (I feel awkward commenting when nobody else comments on your blog here!)

I missed that prayer meeting; I've been to all the other ones. I recall having to catchup on Greek that night :S Glad you were blessed by that..

Hmm Passion. I went to the 06 conference, which had a big impact on my life - quite significant to getting me to Southern:)

Anyways, feel free to comment on my blog anytime lol! Hope work is going well for you at St Jude..

Phil 2:3-4

Anonymous said... commented about feeling the need to have words to witness to others. i am often reminded that actions speak louder than words and i have learned that being a witness does not always come through traditional ways; in fact if you consider mission work, its foundation is built on witness through action. jeana