Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fall is Just Around the Corner

This evening I saw a beautiful golden full moon. The kind that hovers low in the sky and sings of autumn. Last weekend I drove home to surprise my beautiful sister on her birthday. I noticed that some of the trees were starting to turn and that the fields were a blanket of yellow dandelions-so pretty! God is so beautiful!

A thunderstorm welcomed my day in this morning. It was pouring and lightening severely when I left for school this morning. The lightening was very close. I am pretty sure it struck something in the parking lot as I was headed to my car. All I could think was "I've gotta get rid of this umbrella." :) When I got to school and got out of my car, I realized I was standing in about a foot of water. Joy. My boots and socks remained soak for the rest of the day. My feet are still chilled but it feels good to be completely dry.

Sarah and I rode the bus system (TARC) yesterday to Friendship International. It was a neat experience. We decided that we are going to start riding it regularly when we go to Friendship so we can do "bus evangelism." While we were riding, it was interesting to watch the people sitting one person to a seat, facing straight ahead, avoiding eye contact with the most solemn expression on their faces. They would have a much more pleasant ride if they were to be friendly to one another. Sarah and I have decided we need to try to liven things up on there.

Saturday is Pagan Day in downtown Louisville. A few of us are getting together to pray walk and share Jesus if given the opportunity. Please pray. I will probably write more on this later.

Well I must get back to reading.

Oh, exciting news: I got two recruits at work! Praise God. I know it is only because of Him that these people agreed to help St. Jude.

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