Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lean on Me

Many people in my life seem to be just passing through. Sometimes this can be very disheartening - especially since I don't like good-byes. But I guess it is the same the other way around: I am just passing through the lives of others. These transitional relationships are a good reminder that this world is not my true home. I belong to another Kingdom and Country (for which I deeply long).

The Lord continues to weed people and things from my life, which He has done since the year began. Circumstances and distance seem to constantly change relationships or end them. About a month ago, my Chinese friend Andrea moved to the Northeast. I met her almost a year and a half ago and we hung out almost every week. We never did anything too exciting, just hung out and chatted - but our conversations were always an adventure. I never knew what topic of interest Andrea was going to throw my way. She always kept me on my toes. :) Andrea is not a believer, but I pray she will become one. The Lord Jesus always gave me an opportunity to testify to His goodness in some shape or form when we were together. I believe He is working mightily in her life, drawing her to Himself.

I miss this girl!
I recently won a trip to New York (!), so I hope to be able to meet up with her while I am there. Maybe we can go to Chinatown!

One of Andrea's parting gifts to me
With the friendships the Lord has left me, He is teaching me to go deeper. Opening up to people is not something that comes very easily to me, so this has been a rather long and difficult lesson...but it is a sweet one. The Lord has blessed me with several godly female friends (besides my sister) that have become very dear to me. I hope I bless them the way they have blessed me (Proverbs 27:17). God uses them a lot to speak truth and encouragement into my life - something I have really needed these past few months. Learning to lean on others seems to be another way the Lord is breaking my independent and self-reliant spirit.

Lessons from the Lord: patience; being still before Him; trust; endurance; dependence on Him & others

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