Sunday, June 19, 2011

An Ode to My Dad

Today is Father's Day and Thursday is my dad's birthday. The older I get, the more I realize the impact my dad has had on my life. These past few weeks, knowing that these two ways to honor my dad were approaching, I have been reflecting on the reasons why I am thankful for my dad. We may not see eye-to-eye on everything, but I really do appreciate him and this is my way to publicly show that.

My sister and I created an "Ode to Dad" video a few weeks ago to give to him as a gift. It contains about 45 minutes of ridiculousness as we recounted stories, jokes and quotes from our dad (though she is editing it down to about 15 minutes). We are definitely our father's daughters. :) Dad says the Hovises have quick wit. It's true. My dad almost always has a comment or remark that's perfect for the moment and leaves everyone in stitches. He's definitely the life of the party at our family gatherings.

He's the one in the middle, about to fall over. :)
Dad has taught me many things for which I am thankful. I sometimes call him the eternal teacher because he is constantly giving a lesson on something. He taught me how to drive, how to fish, how to change my oil (though he doesn't allow me to do it) and to be sort of a germ-a-phobe in the kitchen. He would not allow wet rags to lie around the kitchen. When we finished dishes, the rags went into the dirty laundry. He also wouldn't allow dirty dishes to stack up in the sink and he hated when they were left overnight. I am the same way. I like the dishes washed and the sink empty. He also taught me the importance of cooking (and so did my mom). Dad has very clear-cut roles/chores for men and women. When I was a teenager, he would tell me that I needed to learn how to cook because "a man wants a wife who can cook." Well, I don't know about that, but cooking has saved me a lot of money in not having to eat out. :) Most importantly, Dad laid the foundation for me and my sister in coming to know Christ. He taught us from an early age about the existence of God and about the revelation of Jesus Christ. I was always amazed (and still am) at his knowledge of the Bible.

What I have really come to appreciate my dad, is the way he loves and cares for my mom. Next month, they will have been married for 35 years. For most of those years, my mom has had ill health. I had never really thought about how my mom's health affected him until my friend Matt asked me how he was taking it. My dad has supported and cared for her through it all. He bears the burden with her without complaint. I think that is awesome and I highly respect him for it.

"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you," Dad (Philippians 1:3).

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