Friday, December 4, 2009

The Weight of a Moment

This semester is officially over, Christmas is quickly approaching and God's grace has abounded to me in ways I cannot even put into words. Even though I don't feel great, I have many reasons to rejoice in my Savior.

Also, the salvation of two people in my life weigh heavily upon me this evening. Oh how I want them to know Christ and to make Him known!

Earlier this evening I went to a Christmas party. The host read the Christmas story from Matthew 1-2 and we discussed the different aspects of the account that have impacted us or stood out to us. Someone reflected on how the reason that Jesus can be Immanuel ("God with us") is because He saves us (Jesus means "Yahweh Saves"). Someone else talked about the horror of the babies that were slaughtered by King Herod. I couldn't help but think of the weight of that moment in history. At that moment in time, God's long awaited promise came to fruition in the birth of Jesus Christ. I heard a song yesterday (by Chris Tomlin, I believe) about how the world was unaware that the Messiah was born that night. It's true. Only a privileged few knew that God's promised Savior had come into the world. The God of the universe came in the midst of obscurity.

I would like to share with you what is currently my new favorite Christmas song. It is called "Amen, Amen" and it is from Sojourn Music's CD Advent Songs. Click here to listen to it or click here to download the whole CD for free (which I highly recommend!). May your worship of Him grow deeper this Christmas.

Let every creature rise and bring
their grateful praises to our King
Angels descend with songs again
and Earth repeats a loud Amen

(Chorus) A-men, A-men
A-men, A-men
I found my life
I found my life in Him
A-men, A-men

Peace like a river from His throne
will flow to nations yet unknown
His Word a light where all hope is dim
and all tribes unite to cry "Amen"


And in this Child we'll find our rest
and all the meek and lowly blest
An infant tongue could sing the hymn
of Hallelujah and Amen


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