Monday, November 23, 2009

On My Way Out

I am preparing for my mass exodus from Louisville. My room is sort of a disaster zone with boxes stacked everywhere. This makes move number 4 this year. Crazy. Maybe I should just leave my stuff in boxes. :)

The Father has been so gracious in providing for my every need. He provided the amount I needed for South Asia. Some of the money came from what I had left over from a trip I took 5 years ago. The Lord's sovereignty takes my breath away. I used all but $2 of that money towards this trip. He sure knows what He is doing. :)

I got my flight itinerary the other day and am in the process of applying for visas. This is all starting to become a reality and I can't quite get my head wrapped around it. :) While in Missouri this week, I will get some of the immunizations that I need (or at least the first round of them). When I first checked the International Travel Center here in Louisville, I thought I was going to have to spend hundreds of dollars for vaccinations, but as the Lord would have it, my mom found out that I can get most of them for free in Fredericktown because Missouri considers them state vaccines. Missouri is just awesome like that. :) Seriously though, this is such a blessing and God continues to work out the details of my trip in little ways like that. I am thankful that He is a God who cares about the details!

A few weeks ago, we had a panel discussion in chapel about multi-site churches. It was very interesting and I had planned to post a reaction to it, but I lost all motivation, but you can listen/view it by clicking here. :) In short, I agree with the majority. I have seen hundreds come to the Lord through multi-site. God can use whatever means He wants. Who are we to limit Him?

Have I mentioned how I excited I am that I am done with classes? I only have 3 finals left! Plus, I have finished two assignments for next semester! Over-achiever? Yes!

By the way, does anyone know where I can store my twin bed while I am away?

Turkey Day is coming!!! I already had one Thanksgiving meal on Sunday at RF, but that doesn't really count because I was told that was for my birthday. hehe

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