Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Breaking Out of the Bubble

First, I must say that I finished my Greek paper! :)

Second, I exercised my right as an American citizen today by voting. My roommate and I got up early, threw on hoodies and ran out the door to vote when the poles opened. I voted for the lesser of the two evils (McCain). I take comfort in the fact, however, that the Lord reigns over this election and His purpose will be accomplished.

These past few weeks have been extremely busy...but not completely with schoolwork. I have decided to break out of the seminary bubble of studying that I had been sucked into. It has been so great to hang out with and serve others. Over the past couple of weeks my roommate and I have pushed our homework aside and had dinner with our neighbors, attended each other's churches' truck or treat (below), had a couple friends over and attended a birthday party. On Sunday, I went with my boss to Otter Creek and did a little hiking (below). It was absolutely beautiful there. The Lord has been so gracious in blessing these times and also by blessing my studies. This week, we are having our neighbors over and then we are having a kabob-themed party this weekend. Fun times. :) The Lord has used these times to refresh me and break me out of the rut I had fell into of work, work, work. My pastor (from home) encouraged me find the ways that refresh my spirit while I am at seminary and this semester I have not been good at doing this. It happened so slyly that I hadn't noticed until the Lord showed me...and I am so thankful He did. :)

The Lord has been teaching me so much about Church History, Greek and Spiritual Warfare through my classes. Please pray that all this learning will not puff me up (1 Corinthians 8:1) but will make me fall even more in love with my Savior. He is so much more worthy than what I have to offer Him and I cannot wait to see Him face to face.

I get to go home the whole week of Thanksgiving! I am so excited. This also means that I get to attend my home church's annual celebration event and I get to attend Two weekend gatherings. :) Plus, I get to spend the whole week with my sister. I miss her.

The Lord continues to amaze me with His provision and continues to teach me about trusting Him.

There is more to say, but I am so tired. I think I may go to bed...even though it is not yet 9:00.


Unknown said...

Finally a post!! Way to break out of the bubble it is about time. Good work you have earned the break.

Pray for me my friend.

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear you're taking time to enjoy the journey, too. And so happy you'll be home for the holiday. Look forward to seeing you soon!

Have a great week!
