Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Different Kind of Christmas

I woke up this morning to a light dusting of snow on the ground. Just a few days too late for Christmas. :)

Christmas this year was much different than originally planned or expected. Very little about it actually “felt” like Christmas and there were many surprises. The most obvious being that my sister and I didn’t make it to Missouri. We returned to Louisville after my car bit the dust, scrambling to make alternate plans. When it was decided that I could borrow my grandma’s car, my parents agreed to come to Louisville to get us.

All of this has made me so thankful for the body of Christ. The Scripture proves true that God gives us many brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers when we follow Him (Mark 10:29-30). Both mine and Kristi's church families were ready and willing to put themselves out to help us at the drop of a hat. My church-friend Katie left her 3 children and sick husband and drove 85 miles (one way) in order to pick up Kristi and me from the side of the road. The next day, Kristi's church-friend Ruth took us out to eat for lunch and then to the grocery store. Kristi and I have mastered the art of making sure there is no (perishable) food in our apartment when we leave for long trips, so we were in need of food. Plus, I wanted to cook dinner for my parents when they got in. It was my first (and very impromptu) Christmas dinner - baked chicken, green beans, real mashed potatoes and peanut butter pie.

Christmas Eve lunch with Ruth at Saigon Cafe
Originally, my parents had agreed to go to the Christmas Eve service at Kristi's church in St. Louis, but since  that got scratched, we talked them into going to the Christmas Eve program at the Korean church she attends in Louisville.

Then they went with us to Rolling Fields on Sunday morning. It was the first time we have ever went to church together for Christmas. :) The Lord is very kind. We had been wanting our parents to come visit us and I really want to go to Rolling Fields for Christmas and, in ways I would have never imagined, the Lord granted those desires. So, even though the holidays were much different that I expected, it was still good. The Lord clearly ordained and worked through the events that took place. He had His own plans and gifts for Christmas 2011 and I praise the One who came and died in order that I might live for Him.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Oh sweet friend, I'm sorry about your car, I bet that seemed horrible at the time, until the Lord showed you why it was happening. I'm glad He proved Himself faithful and the body effective in ministering grace to you all. How fun that your family was able to worship together at your churches! :) Love you sweet sister in Christ!
Philippians 1:3