Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Watching for Where God is at Work

These past few weeks have been filled with many lessons from the Lord and countless activities. Last week was Fall Break/Reading Days. As usual, I had lofty homework goals...most of which did not come to fruition. Instead, I took advantage of several ministry opportunities that the Lord sent my way. Time management is like walking a fine line and it is easy to stray to one side (forsake school work) or the other (make school work top priority). Last weekend I went to a funeral where I was reminded that my life (as well as those around me) is a vapor. There are many good things that I could be doing, but what is important is to be about what the Lord has planned for me. I have been trying to be sensitive to His leading and submit myself to His plans daily. One such instance of this happened last week. I knew the plans I had for the day, but laid them at the feet of Christ, acknowledging that my plans are not always His. After I had met with my prayer partner and then with a friend to do homework, I went to pick up my sister from an Indian friend's house. When I arrived, they told me that they were going to the Hindu temple and that we (Kristi and I) were going with them. So we went. As this Hindu family were worshiping their many gods (and thereby breaking my heart), my sister and I prayed for them. The Lord gave me the opportunity to pray in Jesus' name with one of them as she waited for the priest to become available. These are the opportunities that I do not want to miss because I am on my own agenda.

This week is my sister's last week in Louisville. I am going to take her back to Missouri this weekend. The Lord has used her in such great ways while she has been here and I am so proud of the way she took advantage of every opportunity He gave her. Most of her new friends are looking forward to her return in January when she comes to Southern...and so am I.

Lessons from the Lord: Jesus Christ alone is my Portion and my Refuge; patience; trust; humble submission; selflessness; the faithfulness of God and His nearness

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