Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ramblings of the Past Week

Last weekend I went home to pick up my sister and get the rest of my things to move to Louisville (since God has graciously blessed me with an apartment!). My mom and I took my sister to St. Louis for a conference. On the way back, I had a little car trouble. Thankfully, we had just picked up a few things from Whole Foods...

We got a little hungry...

...and we didn't have spoons

We made the most of it while we waited for my dad and uncle to come rescue us. We waited a little over 5 hours total, but we eventually made it home. And now I have a new fuel pump. :)

It had been nice to start settling in and cleaning my new apartment. One very unfortunate draw back to the place, though, is the wretched amount of spiders. I kill about one a day (3 today in fact). I guess that is to be expected in a basement apartment. :(

So I mentioned that Kristi is with me now. It has been nice to hang out together. She is visually impaired and we have been Kristi-proofing the apt. There is a pole between the kitchen and living room and we discovered this motion sensor light to place in front of it so she can see it. It's pretty great. She goes to campus with me on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Last Tuesday, she had an accident with some steps. Because of her eyes, she relies on someone to guide/help her around. We were walking from chapel and because of a miscommunication between the two of us, she fell down the second set of steps. Thankfully, she was hanging onto me which minimized injury. I felt/feel so terrible because she trusted me to be her eyes. We are both extra cautious now though.

This evening we went to the annual India Day festival. After finally finding somewhere [free] to park, we walked a few blocks to join the festivities. I got the bright idea to take a street that was under construction. My thinking was that there would be less traffic, it would be safer, etc. Little did I know that the other end of the street was fenced in so we had to turn around once we got to the end of it (adding a few extra blocks to our trek). We did eventually have the oppoturnity to take in some Indian singing and dancing. We wore camises and were among the few Westerners there. I felt like I was in South Asia again!

I can sense that the Lord is on the move in my life. I mean He is always working but sometimes He prepares me in a way that  I can't describe. He is doing that now. I am not totally sure what He is up to, but I am sure I will find out soon. The last time I sensed this kind of working, He led me to South Asia... 

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