Monday, August 30, 2010

Good as New

Remember how I wrecked my car? Well, she looks better than ever now! :)

Also, God provided me and my roommate with an apartment! It is such an answer to prayer: affordable, no lease required and in the neighborhood we wanted to live. Plus, it is partially furnished. I am also very excited that I will be able to unpack my car (where everything I brought has stayed while I have been in transition). The clutter has been driving me crazy. The rest of my stuff is still in Missouri, which I plan on getting (Lord willing) when I pick up my sister in a few weeks. She is coming to visit me for a month.

My "house parents" are currently gone (to South America actually). I am fish-sitting for them. Speaking of which...

(I just fed the fish. I almost forgot. Good thing I like to share useless information on my blog).

This past weekend was a big event at my home church. I almost went home to be a part of it, but didn't for various reasons. It turns at that Jesus had some divine appointments for me here. One included a meeting with Him and my RF family for a night of worship at a Rehab Center.

Apparently there is this conference that occurs every year called The Summit. This year they are focusing on South Asians (yay!). I am praying about going. I really want to but it is $$$. So we'll see...

Speaking of South Asia, I miss it a LOT (specifically, the people there). I have been dreaming about the future and wondering if God will send me back and what it will look like if He does. I am really interested in advocacy type ministries like Not for Sale and A21. My class on Community Development and Disaster Relief has really got me thinking and I am really excited about what's in store (because God's dreams are so much bigger and better than mine!).

One last thought. I have noticed since my return to the States that I have been (or at least my desire to be) anti-social. Now, I am no social butterfly to begin with, but I have this constant desire to be alone (remnants of reverse culture shock maybe?). I am not sure what the deal is...but, with God's grace, I am working on it. Last weekend I went to a couple's house from church where we ate authentic Chinese and played badminton. This weekend I was invited to a back-to-school gathering and a labor day lunch. My initial reaction to all of them was "no". But I decided to bust out of my anti-social shell and do them all.

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