So I am on my way to debriefing, hanging out in the airport waiting for my next flight. John Denver's
Leaving on a Jet Plane has been playing in the background of my mine all morning, and the lyrics mean more now than they ever did. This part of the world has been my home for the last six months and I am sad to leave it. I have learned, however, over the last several years to make wherever I am my home, knowing that it is only temporary. The Bible tells us believers that this world is not our home (Hebrews 13:14). This life is only temporary and our true home awaits us in heaven with God. Christ Himself has gone before us to prepare a place for us there (John 14:2-3). So often we forget this truth. We strive to settle down and l
ive a comfortable, self-sufficient life - the American Dream. God has not called us to settle, though. His command is to GO - to always be ready to to follow Him whenever and to wherever He calls. In the book of Genesis, God commanded the people to spread out over the earth and multiply. He wanted (and still wants) to fill the earth with worshipers of Himself. The people, however, didn't listen. They did the opposite of what God commanded, by coming together to make a name for themselves. They wanted to be independent of God, self-reliant, safe and comfortable. Isn't that what the American Dream is? God, however, has called us to something better - His Dream. His plan is for all people groups to know Him, their Creator; for them to hear about the saving work of Jesus Christ, their Savior; to save them from an eternity separated from Him in hell; and to give them everlasting joy by giving them the gift of Himself. The plan of God will not be thwarted. He will accomplish it with or without us, but He does invite us to join Him. He has given us two choices: we can choose our own path apart from Christ (which ends in destruction) or we can choose the path God shows us which gives us to the full (John 10:10). So, I urge you with the words of Louie
Giglio, "pack up the American Dream and exchange it for a part in God's global story" - the story of His mind-bending plan of rescuing the nations from sin and death by spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ so that all may know Him.