Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sea World, Safari, Shopping, a Story & a Social Network

These past few weeks have been filled with lots activities and ministry opportunities. Last Thursday, we took the girls to Sea World (a water park). They had so much fun. There were 25 girls who were eligible to go and 16 adults. Each adult was responsible for at least two girls. My two girls were so well-behaved! We had a lot of fun together. I would take them home if I could...

I, of course, took my camera with me. I wrapped it in Saran Wrap and put it in a Ziploc bag to keep it dry. I took quite a few pictures before my precautions fell through. It stopped working temporarily, but, thankfully, it started working again later. I let it sit in a bowl of rice overnight to soak up any remaining moisture and now it is as good as new. :)

Last weekend, I went out of town to visit a safari. My roommates and I planned on riding elephants, but, to our disappointment, there were no elephants there to ride. The monkeys got out of the cages though (not the one below)! One came pretty close to me and I am pretty sure he would have jumped on me if I hadn't moved. Some of them chased and tried to attack innocent bystanders. It was quite the experience...

Shopping is not usually an activity I enjoy in America, but here it is different. I really didn't think I would like bartering with the salesmen, but I do. I think it is because I like to win...or I am just stubborn and won't give in to their prices. ;) Since I am a foreigner, they think they can sale me things at a much higher price, but I know better. They also liked to tell me that the price is fixed, but I tell them there is no such thing as a fixed price in this country. Today, I bought two pairs of earrings. The salesguys wanted around 100 or so for them, but I talked them down to 30 and 40 each (about 50 cents in US currency). If only I could barter like this in the States...

I have been reading a Christian fantasy trilogy by Ted Dekker (The Circle Trilogy). I am currently reading the third book in the series called White. I usually do not read fiction, but my sister recommended it and I thought it would be a good way to wind down instead of reading deep, theological books that require a lot of concentration. I am amazed, however, at how JC is using these books to make me love the Gospel even more; to grow my faith; and to teach me more about the Lord I serve and love so much. Dekker's imagery in describing pure worship, the fall, the trinity, God's love, Christ's sacrifice, the darkness of sin and the love of Christ for His Bride, the Church, has help me love and see and appreciate and understand the Gospel in a whole new way. I have set the book aside for now to focus on language learning, stuff for the Center and discipleship stuff, but I cannot wait to pick it up again.

So I found out today that this country has blocked Facebook as of today. Apparently there was some anti-M*hammed stuff posted, which they were not too pleased with. I am interested to see how all this plays out...

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