Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bring on the Language!

Monday I start my home stay. It is only going to last two weeks as opposed to the one month I originally thought. I am looking forward to being immersed even more into the language and living like a national. Once the home stay is over, it is time for my first visa run. Fun, fun.

I started meeting with my language helper this week. I am overwhelmed with new words and phrases, but have been putting most of them to good use. The girls at the Center like to help me practice. I have been here for two weeks and I can now greet people, introduce myself and talk about my family.

Today, my roommates and I went to breakfast at a local bakery. I was overwhelmed with the amount of goodies to choose from [Pastor Bryan, I thought of you! ;)] I had some type of custard-filled pastry, a chocolate truffle cake-thing and an iced mocha (can we say sugar high?). I'm really roughin' it over here as you can tell, hehe. We also did some shopping. It was great to be able to get out and explore the city some. The power was out at one of the shopping centers we went to, which made for an interesting, albeit fun experience. (Note: the power goes out on a daily basis here).

Later in the day we did home visits in the slums of the girls who go to the center. We were there for several hours, talking with their family members and praying with/for them in the name of JC. I had kids hanging on me for most of the time we were there. They are so precious!

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