Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cross-Country Traveling

The seasons just changed here from winter to spring and, unfortunately, my sinuses noticed. I woke up at 3:30 this morning hot and clammy with an earache. It feels much the same way it did last fall when I got an ear infection. This really wouldn't be too much of a problem (medicine is easy to get here) except for the fact I am leaving the country today. I talked to JC about it and He was pleased to take away the pain and allow me to go back to sleep. How gracious He is!

I took my first train ride today to the nation's capitol. It was about a five and a half hour ride. The Father was pleased to place me beside a Hindu university student. I talked to her with what little language I know. She spent most of the time reading like I did. She shared her snacks with me, bought me tea and a candy bar (despite my objections). I can only credit the Father for giving me such favor in her eyes.

On the way to the guest house where I am staying tonight, I some how lost my phone (it must have fallen out of my purse in the public transportation). I used my US phone to locate it. It was quite the ordeal, but by God's grace I have it back.

This evening I ate dinner with a 80 year old couple who are serving the Father here. They have traveled all over the US and all over Asia. They see this time of their life as an opportune time to be about the Father's business. They have chosen not to waste their life [John Piper would be proud :)]. Talking with them was very inspiring. If I live that long, I pray that I can be as active in serving JC as they are. 

Side note: When I was getting ready to leave this morning, the biggest spider I have ever seen in real life showed its ugly face. Thankfully, my roommate took care of it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know I think about you often, I love you!! I talk to your Father JC often, I think he is pretty fond of you...
