Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Be Careful How You Dial...

Today, I was attempting to call a charity I support to update my account. In the process, I misdialed the number using 1-800 instead of 1-888. This mistake connected me to a very scandalous hotline. Thankfully, I did not hear what the automated voice was saying as my mind was comprehending what was happening. I quickly hung up, checked the number (& realized my mistake) and tried again with the corrected number. I later received two text messages from the hotline. This experience, while a little bit comical, reminded me of something I learned in one of my classes. Wicked businesses like this one spend massive amounts of money to buy up every phone number and web address that is closely associated with well-known ones in order to catch, with the intention of hooking, unsuspecting persons. It is a very sad and shameful reality.

On a slightly different note: I attended a panel discussion today on the relationship between the local church and social justice (I believe the discussion will be posted on Southern's website). It was very good and the panel members were very passionate about the church being the primary vehicle of social justice (coupled, of course, with the Good New of Jesus Christ). I couldn't agree more. Because of God's mercy and compassion extended to us on the cross of Christ, we have the best reason and motivation to reach out to others in love and compassion. Because Christ loves us, we should love others. Because people are created in the image of God, we should seek to redeem that image by ministering to their physical and spiritual needs. All for the glory of Jesus Christ.

One of my favorite reasons came from Dr. Moore: "The Gospel is the announcement of the turning back of the curse (Romans 5 & 8)." God's Kingdom is here (though not fully realized) and we are to advance it wherever we go. "What beats in the heartbeat of the King, should beat in the hearts of His people" (also Dr. Moore). The Bible clearly and repeatedly calls believers to obey God and love others through word and action.

This issue is very close to my heart and God is further burdening my heart for those who suffer. Did you know that 25,000 people die every day from hunger? Did you know that every 4 seconds, a child dies from hunger? Does this not grip your heart?

While the church of Jesus is responsible for social justice as a whole, we are responsible as individuals as well. I can do something. You can do something. Never underestimate how God can use one person. Each of us can:
  • give our time: You can volunteer with Habitat for Humanity or at a local homeless shelter
  • give our resources: You can support a child through World Vision or Compassion.
  • give our voices: join the ONE Campaign which seeks to end severe poverty (mainly in Africa) through advocacy. At the Third Day concert I attended (they support this campaign) we collectively stood against extreme globally poverty. This was the first I had heard about ONE, and I have been told it is a commendable organization.
As God's people we should be leading the cause. Let's not be hearers of the Word only (James 1:22).

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