Hebrew woes: I had to buy another box of flash cards today for my Hebrew vocab. This means that my first box of 300 (!) was not enough. Sad day. I am about Hebrewed out. I have started see schewas in my every day life (two vertical dots that aid in pronunciation - see the pic from my dry erase board below). This cannot be a good sign.
Take two: My sister and I are going to make a second attempt for her to come visit me this weekend (if the Lord is willing, of course!).
Baby boom: Baby Lydia Grace came last week, weighing in at almost 9 lbs. Her parents are my good friends at RF. She was a week and a half late. My cousin's baby, Ella Grace, came yesterday, weighing in at 8 lbs, 2 ounces. She was a week early. Everyone is doing well. I am thankful that both of these little ones will grow up in homes where they will learn about Jesus. Please pray for their salvation even now. They will also be taught to cheer on the St. Louis Cardinals. It's good to know they will be raised right. :)