Sunday, August 9, 2009

Getting Back into the Swing of Things

Today was nice. I went to RF and small group, which has proved to be the most comfortable and normal thing since my return. I am still settling into my new apartment and getting to know my new roommate. She is sweet, but it takes me a while to open up to people (sometimes this fact fustrates me). It was nice to be around lots of familiar faces today, though, and catch up on what God has been up to in their lives. We just started a study through the Old Testament called "From Creation to Christ." I am pretty excited about this since I have been spending the majority of my time in the NT. As I read these stories that I am so familiar and answer the study questions, I am reminded of God's great faithfulness and grace. He constantly reaches toward us stubborn, hard-hearted people and offers us Himself. These historical accounts reveal God's trustworthy character. With Him in control, why do we fear? If only we weren't so forgetful...or rebellious.
The Lord has given me much to think about lately. This one quote keep reverberating through my mind: "Only one life twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last." This quote has taken on new meaning as I look forward to serving overseas next spring. This opportunity is so much bigger than anything I imagined and I know it is only by His strength that I will do any good there.
Finally, this song by Hillsong United spoke to me this evening and I wanted to share it. It is my prayer and I hope it is yours too:

Falling on my knees in worship/Giving all I am to seek Your face
Lord all I am is Yours/My whole life I place in Your hands
God of mercy, humbled I bow down/In Your presence, at Your throne
I called, You answered and You came to my rescue and I
I wanna be where You are
In my life be lifted high/In our world be lifted high/In our love be lifted

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