Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Small Step

Yesterday, I took a small step in a direction the Lord may be leading me. As I have mentioned a couple of times before, I have been praying about studying overseas next fall. As I was listening to a sermon on obedience on my drive to MO, I felt the Lord leading me to discuss this with my parents. Now, I know talking to my parents sounds like a no-brainer, but I usually do not tell my parents about this sort of thing until I am 100% sure that the Lord wants me to do something. This time, however, the Lord prompted me to tell them before I know for sure. So I reserved to do so and prayed for the opportunity. The opportunity came yesterday in the car. I asked them to join me in prayer as I seek the Lord's direction. They really didn't say much, to my surprise; just asked a few questions. I am still seeking the Lord's direction about this. It is a great opportunity and makes sense to pursue, but I want to make sure I am doing what the Lord wants. If He wants me to go, I will go. If He wants me to stay, I will stay. The if, when or where I do not know, but one thing I do know: the Lord will guide me.

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