Tuesday, September 2, 2008

On My Heart

I have a prayer request for whomever may be reading this. My home church has been heavy upon my heart these past few days and I would like for you to share the burden with me by joining me in prayer. There has been some changes in leadership-of which I do not know the details, but God does-so I ask for you to pray these things for the leaders and for the church in general:
1. Unity
2. that Satan would not be given a foothold
3. relationships would be restored/healed where necessary
4. the Holy Spirit would bring conviction where necessary
5. the Lord Jesus Christ would be lifted high in all things and in every way

Also, I was contacted about tutoring again. I am not sure if the Lord wants me to do this or not. I have to reply to them by the 4th so please pray that the Lord would give me clear guidance. Also, pray for me financially. I know that the Lord will supply my every need according to His riches in Christ Jesus, but there are times when I have trouble holding on to this truth. Please pray that the Lord would strengthen me to hold fast to Him without wavering. I know He will provide and I can't wait to report when He does.

The Lord Jesus Christ is so absolutely beautiful and worthy of all praise. I hope you have taken the time to remember that today.

When we see His matchless face, in speechless awe we'll stand and there we'll bow with greatful hearts before the great I AM.

Even so, come Lord Jesus.

1 comment:

Goldenchild said...

Hey... I'm sorry if i've been short with you. I still find myself having a hard time with trusting people. I know that most people have no idea of what is going on or even where God is playing a roll. But I would like to say that I'm glad that you keep all of the meadow heights family and My family in your thoughts and prayers. Eventually this will be an old scar... and God is slowly healing my family and of course myself. I hope that God will truly move through the situation... and that I finally rid myself of the feeling of betrayal... I know that's not what God wants in my heart... and I am working to find where God is lending my spirit to. Thank you for your thoughts and I do hope that everything is well!