Monday, September 15, 2008


I bet you thought I had fallen off the edge of the earth. :)

I am sitting at a friend's house right now *borrowing* internet and enjoying some hospitality. Praise the Lord for good friends. As most of you know, Hurricane Ike came through the Kenutuckiana area causing much damage and leaving many without power, including my roommate and me. We lost power Sunday afternoon and we don't expect it back anytime soon unless the Lord by His grace intervenes. We have much to be thankful for though:
1. We have water! In F'town, when we lost power, we didn't have water either.
2. Our refridgerator wasn't full of food. We lost almost everything that was in there but at least we hadn't just gone to the grocery store.
3. We are safe.
4. We were able to meet our neighbor and invite her over. Please pray that the Lord will continue to give us opportunities to get to know her.
5. It isn't hot or cold outside.
6. Our next electric bill should be cheaper. :)
7. No school. This is such a blessing because I am able to catch up on all the work I was behind. This is such answered to prayer (though not exactly the answer I was expecting :) ).
8. Papers Unique has power so I can still work.
9. We know people who have electricity and are gracious enough to share it.
10. The hot water is insulated enough that I was able to take a hot shower.

"...for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." -Philippians 4:11b

Regarding my last post, I have a few updates. I now have one job. I no longer work at B&BW or A+ Tutoring. The Lord gave me those jobs and has saw fit to reduce me to one...which is fine with me.
Please continue praying for my home church, but also pray for my local church. Last Sunday, one of the elders announced he was leaving the church. He really didn't explain why but I appreciate the openeness of it all. Both of these situations have left me a little dishearted, but the Lord has been so gracious in ministering to me. He reminded me through a sermon a few weeks ago that He is still in control of His church and working even when He can't be seen. Also, I was reminded that churches that are advancing the Kingdom of God are a target for Satan.

Aside: Have y'all seen the latests commercials about High Fructose Corn Syrup?! The corn people are trying to pass off that it is healthy and "all-natural." Please! The FDA, of course, is fully supporting them. How can they just get on TV and flat out lie? HFC is hard on the liver and makes you crave more food.

I have a couple more prayer requests before I finish:
1. Please pray for me financially. During my time of unstability of either not having a job or not making enough money, I have accrued some credit card debt. I know this is my fault, but please pray that the Lord will graciously allowing me to climb out of the hole I have dug.
2. A week or two ago, we were challenged in chapel to go overseas for at least one week in the coming year. Those who were willing to take up the challenge were encouraged to stand and were prayed for and I was one of those who stood. I have been planning on going on overseas some time within the next year for A.M. credit at school. There are several options: I could go for one week over spring break to West Africa, two weeks to somewhere in Asia over the summer, or 4 months (!) to South America during one of the upcoming semesters. Please, please pray that the Lord would give me guidance. I want to go and do whatever He wants me to do no matter what the cost.

Thank you for those of you who support me in prayer. I appreciate it more than you know.

Lessons of the Lord: the Lord' s provision and sovereignty, spiritual warfare, the gloriousness of the Son taking on flesh forever, the history of the early church

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