Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Foot Saga is Coming to an End!

As many of you know, my mom had surgery on her foot three years ago and the healing process has been a complete nightmare. She has been in and out of the hospital, contracted staff and strep infection, and even had the infection spread to the bone. In all of this, however, the Lord has been gracious and has kept the worst from happening to her foot. I know the end of this mess is near. The doctors believe they have found the source of what has kept her foot from completely healing: a pin. She had pins put in the bones near the top of her foot 13 years ago. Most have been taken out over time, but one remains and the doctors traced the draining in her foot to it. She is scheduled to have surgery on her foot (again!) early Monday morning to remove the pins and clean out any infection. Our family trusts in the Lord that this is the answer to our prayers. It has been a long road to recovery but I think that the Lord has shown Himself not only faithful, but even more glorious. He alone is the great Healer. Doctors cannot be trusted but He can. They may have the degree, but they don't always know the why and how, but He does. What a wonderful Savior!
Please lift up my mom in prayer. Thank you!

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