Monday, June 23, 2008

1/2 Way There!!!

This week starts week 4 of Greek. This means that I am half way done! I have to admit that it kicked my tail last week as we dove full force into verbs, but I am enjoying it. At first, I wasn't looking forward to the class, but it has been such a blessing. I love tranlsating God's Word...watching it slowly--for me, very slowly :)--unfold into familiar Scripture passages as I parse words and arrange them to suit the English language. God's Word is so beautiful and Greek has reminded me how blessed we are to read the very Words of God, to know His Will, and to see His Heart. What other religion has the Word of God? None! For only we Christians know the one, true God, and that is only because of the Lord Jesus Christ. What a Treasure we have in Him!

"Your Words were found, and I ate them, and Your Words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by Your Name, O LORD, God of hosts." -Jeremiah 15:16

Father, thank you so much for Your Word and for this opportunity to see it in its original form. Open my eyes to see wonderful things in Your Law. May Your Truth become in me a wellspring of life that overflows to those around me and lifts of Your Name. Transform me, Lord, by Your Word and make me more like Jesus. In Who's Name I pray, Amen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I knew you would love Greek. Yes it does, will, and should always kick our tail because we are translating God's words not just words. My the fruits of your labor become more known to you in your study of Greek. May you love Him in a much deeper way through your understanding of His word.