Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hope Renewed

What a blessing today has been! The Lord has ministered to me in such a powerful way from His Word:
1. My first class today let out early since the professor is out of town (he is at Union University where his daughter attends and where the tornado demolished the dorms, please pray for the Sills family) so I went to the cafe to read before chapel. While there I ran into two ladies the Lord has blessed me to know and they invited me to join their study of the "Psalm of the Day" which was Psalm 37. This Psalm is so powerful. We read through it together, discussed it, and each picked a verse or more to memorize. I chose verse 5: Commit your way unto the Lord; trust in Him and He will act.
2. Chapel today was about the "discipline of deprivation." What a blessing this message was! I had prayed last night as I was crying out to God that He would speak to my circumstances through chapel today and boy did He ever. Through it God reminded me that He is in control, He alone is my satisfaction, and that I am in His will despite the hardships. How faithful the Lord is in reassuring my soul as I had lost hope, and how vile I am for doubting Him. Furthermore, the benediction came from the first several verses of Psalm 37. How wise and sovereign He is!
3. After chapel, I poured out my heart to God in prayer and journaling and repented of my lack of trust in Him, reread Psalm 37, and read some of Ecclesiastes and Lamentations. During this time, the Lord strengthen me and restored my hope and joy in Him. He is so beautiful and worthy and I repent of ever taking my eyes of Him. My God is enough for me.
But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope; the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness (Lamentations 3:21-23)


Seven Star Hand said...

Hi Rachel,

You speak the words yet do not see nor hear them, thereby stumbling blind in the midst of light and freezing from the heat...

Patience and humility...

Perhaps you have misinterpreted the true meaning and import of this event and others. Destruction is not a blessing, and supporting war mongers is "living by the sword." The time for the removal of ignorance is upon us all !!

Be aware that what I say is intended to make people uncomfortable with the status quo so we can finally forge that long promised new path to the future. Here is the chance to truly understand the Creator’s expectations, which do not include money, religion, and politics. The truth will be a bitter pill to many, so remember that patience and humility are wise virtues and repeatedly scoffing in the face of profundity is great folly !!

Here is Wisdom...


. said...

Regarding that comment--did you (Seven Star Hand) even read the blog post? There is no mention of anything that could even be construed as 'war-mongering' or 'war-mongers', and the only one that brought up 'money, religion, and politics' was you.

And destruction can absolutely be a blessing--it can also be absolutly horrible, but it can be a blessing. Which way it goes depends on the purpose that God has for it and what he works through it.

Rachel--glad you were encouraged recently.

Melissa & James said...

Hey Girlie-I thought you might enjoy this link. It's Paul Tripp Ministries (He's a biblical counselor and I've read a couple of his books for various classes) Right now he's working through the Psalms verse by verse and it's pretty good stuff.