Saturday, August 6, 2011

New Happenings

My sister and I have moved into our new place. The Lord was ever-so gracious to provide helping hands, rain-free weather, spacious vehicles and apartment furnishings. We are still settling in and unpacking, but it’s starting to look and feel more like “home”. We are incredibly thankful for the Lord’s provision. I am especially living up my short commutes to work. ;)

Call us crazy, but my sister and I have decided to do without Internet. It’s not that we can’t afford it, but that we don’t want to afford it. It will definitely mean making some adjustments (less dependence on email & more dependence on cell phones). Plus, Southern is less than 2 miles away where we have free access to Wi-Fi. :) This will help us both to not waste time and only do what we need to do when online, which I think is a good thing.

Switching gears: After much wonder about what I should be doing to advance the Gospel (besides my involvement with Scarlet Hope), the Lord has opened up several other ministry doors. He has recently pressed upon my heart the idea of being spent for the Gospel (2 Corinthians 12:15). I mean, when it comes down to it, what else really matters? He repeatedly brought this verse to my mind over a span of a few weeks or so before sending ministry opportunities my way. First, the need arose at Rolling Fields for a new children’s Sunday School teacher. After talking to the Lord and to other leaders in the church, I sensed it was something He wanted me to do (though I feel quite inept). I am going to story (chronologically) with them through the Gospels…and I am pretty excited about it. Tomorrow is my first day and we are going to learn about Jesus’ genealogy. There is a fun song by Andrew Peterson that gives the genealogical account of Jesus found in Matthew (in perfect rhyme). I am workin’ on memorizing it.

Second, I learned of a Chinese Bible Study that happens on Friday nights near the U of L campus. I have been twice and met a lot of great people. I admit that I am a little out of place :), but I am trusting that the Lord will guide in this. I met a fresh-to-the-States Chinese student last evening. She said that I was her first American friend. :)

Finally, I heard about a homeless ministry called Exit 0 from both Rolling Fields and my sister’s church. Both churches are looking to partner with this ministry in some shape or form. I am pretty excited about it. My sister says they serve meals on Monday and that her church is going to help. Sign me up.

I am so excited about what the Lord is doing. It is the first I have been able to sense Him leading me in any kind of direction in a long while. It has made me realize how much I took His leading and presence for granted. These too are part of His perfect gifts (James 1:17).

Next weekend, (Lord willing) Kristi and I are going to New York!

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