Saturday, May 9, 2009

Here, There, Everywhere

Last weekend I moved most of my stuff home to Missouri. Sarah went with me and got her first taste of small town life. What's more is that the Azalea Festival was last weekend, so she couldn't have visited at a better time. We took her to her first truck pull and car show, as well as to The Pig (our local food joint).

This weekend we are in Alabama moving her stuff into her mom's house in Huntsville. We just arrived a few hours ago. We drove separately (she in her mom's van and me in a borrowed CHEVY truck) which was a little sad, but I had some much needed time with the Lord. The last month or so has been so hectic that I have had very few extended times alone with Jesus. It was so great to be able to talk to Him. He laid several people on my heart to pray for, many of whom are having to make big decisions/life changes. I am very thankful for that time, but I am also thankful the trip is over. The Sweet Tea I had was wearing off! I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend. No homework (the semester ended Thursday!), no deadlines, no work-work...nothing but whatever happens on a whim.

Next weekend I will be in Tennessee for a wedding (it's a good thing I like to travel!). My accountability partner is getting married and I am one of the bridesmaids. We actually threw a shower for her last night. I was in charge of the games. At first, I was like "Ug, I hate bridal shower games" but then I realized I didn't have to participate in them since I was in charge. Hehe.

This past week has been full of answered prayers. I know that the Lord always hears and answers prayers (though not always like we want or expect), but, this week in particular, they have been quick and blatant: my sister is going to Romania with my parents' blessing; my roommate survived her Greek final; the little boy that went missing from Southern MO was found alive and well; the Lord provided this week as finances were nonexistent; and the majority of our trip to AL was rain-free.

Several of my good friends are moving as well because they are either graduating from or not returning to SBTS next year. :( Of course, I can't really say too much since I do not plan on being here next fall either. Still, I am sad I will not see them around campus when I return in the spring.

Please keep Fredericktown, MO in your prayers as it is a disaster zone after being hit by a severe storm earlier today. The town has a lot of damage and many people are without power (including my family).

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