Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014: His Purposes Will Ripen Fast

Last year when I was writing my blog post reflecting on 2012 and looking forward to 2013, I titled it “Trust Him for His Grace.” When I wrote that I had in mind trusting God for good things, pleasant circumstances, a better year. But the Lord had something different in mind. The title still deemed to prove true, though; just in a different respect. This year proved to be much harder than 2012, but God’s grace was just as sufficient. The dependence I had learned in the previous year only deepened as this year slowly unfolded. And while the circumstances didn’t lighten or become favorable (indeed, they grew quite grim), Christ was still very much present and still very much in control. In fact, the details of the events were too perfect to not to have been ordained by God.
By sovereign grace, He places you in daily, little moments that are designed to take you beyond your character, wisdom, and grace so that you will seek the help and hope that can only be found in Him. In a lifelong process of change, He is undoing you and rebuilding you again — exactly what each one of us needs. Paul Tripp, “Trading One Dramatic Resolution for 10,000 Little Ones
So God is constantly at work in each of our lives. Nothing escapes His notice and nothing catches Him by surprise. Everything in our lives in under His sovereign control and He has loving and just purposes for everything He allows to happen. Nothing is arbitrary or random. There is no such thing as luck or fortune or happenstance. Jesus Christ is intimately involved in every detail, upholding all things by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). And for those who are believers, this involvement is for our good. I find much hope and comfort and strength in that. Nothing in my life is random; all of it is totally meaningful because Jesus Christ is risen and reigning and ruling over my life in such as way as to make all things work together for my good and, ultimately, to make me more like Himself (Romans 8:28-29). This is His will for me and every other believer.

So Jesus will continue His work of “undoing me and rebuilding me again” as this new year unfolds. The circumstances will look different, but the purposes remain the same. I have no idea what kind of joys and heartaches await me in 2014, but Christ does and His grace is more than sufficient for every one of them. As this new year begins, I have many things to pray about and consider. The Lord has had me in this waiting period for several years now and it seems that His plans and purposes for the next phase of my life are about to be revealed. So, as I look to 2014, I am going to continue the William Cowper theme from last year. The speed at which things are progressing regarding the near future and the decisions I need to make regarding them, lead me to believe that God's purposes are going to ripen fast. I don’t even pretend know what those purposes are (because they are usually far different than I expect), but I feel pretty sure that God is fixing to unveil them...and I'm pretty excited about that. 
Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.
His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower. William Cowper, “God Moves in Mysterious Ways”

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